Come out Saturday to view our fantastic student's artwork at the Watermark Art Center.
almost 2 years ago, Tara King
student work
The Unified Swimming Invitational at BHS today was a total SPLASH!!!
almost 2 years ago, Unified Schools
TrekNorth had a successful day at the Spring Summit held at Waubun on Wednesday. Trek students Cecelia Humprey, Iris Jensen, and Marla Mesarina were elected to the NW Division regional student council executive board. TrekNorth student council advisor Jodie Olson was selected as NW Division Advisor of the Year.
almost 2 years ago, TrekNorth Student Council
Members & Advisor
TrekNorth traveled to Waubun Ogema White Earth High School in Waubun for the Northwest Division Student Council Spring Summit on Wednesday, 3-29 entitled Leadership at the Lake. The group participated in activities, breakout sessions, and elected a new executive student board. Leading the summit was NWD President Cecelia Humphrey, a TrekNorth junior. The new executive NW Division board will include Cecelia repeating as president as well as Iris Jensen as Secretary and Marla Mesarina as Representative.
almost 2 years ago, TrekNorth Student Council
New Board
Permission slips have gone out for the 8th grade Camp Shamineau trip this year, April 25th - 27th. This trip is packed full of fun activities, students will be kept busy the whole time. As 8th grade families look over the forms, if they have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Lia at
almost 2 years ago, Lia Wiggins
Camp Shamineau
TrekNorth art students are in Fosston today participating in the annual Region 8 art competition.
almost 2 years ago, Tara King
art competition
art competition
art competition
art competition
art competition
art competition
art competition
 art competition
art competition
art competition
New Student Orientation- April 4
almost 2 years ago, TrekNorth Jr. & Sr. High School
Chicago Darst Center Trip Day 4 Taller de Jose for an immersion in immigration issues and Cook County Jail campus for a discussion on criminal justice system issues.
almost 2 years ago, JH Student Council
Chicago Darst Center Service Trip Day 3 Free Day in Chinatown and Downtown!
almost 2 years ago, Elizabeth Mathews
TrekNorth's 2nd Annual Honoring the Youth Round Dance
almost 2 years ago, TrekNorth Jr. & Sr. High School
Round Dance
Yearbooks have been ordered and should arrive at the beginning of May. If you did not order a yearbook, a small number of extras have been ordered and will be sold on a first come basis at $40 a yearbook. All questions may be directed to Tara.
almost 2 years ago, Tara King
TrekNorth will be two hours late today, March 22, due to road conditions. School will start at 10:30. Travel safe.
almost 2 years ago, TrekNorth Jr. & Sr. High School
Chicago Darst Center Service Trip Day Two Freda's Place - we help serve food and organize clothing and clean the space for this community and learn about food insecurity.
almost 2 years ago, JH Student Council
The varsity choir participated in the 2nd annual BSU Sings Day at Bemidji State University. Several Trek students are featured in this Lakeland News video. Check it out here:
almost 2 years ago, Talia Zeman
Congratulations to Marla for taking home a Superior ribbon in the category of Informative Speaking on Saturday at the Blackduck Varsity Invitational! The Speech season is starting to wrap up with the last Varsity invitational this coming Saturday and Subsections on April 6th. Good Luck to all of our speakers!
almost 2 years ago, Speech Team
Blackduck 2
The TrekNorth Polar Plunge is April 6th! Want to raise money for Unified programming at our school? Want to get a bucket of ice dumped on your head and BE COOL? Permission slips at the front desk. Email Elizabeth @ with questions.
almost 2 years ago, Unified Schools
Polar Plunge
The 2023 Track & Field season starts this TUESDAY, March 14th for athletes in grades 9-12! Practice will be after school from 3:30-5:15pm at TrekNorth and all participants should be prepared to practice inside and outside. All high school athletes should have their 3-years physicals on file at the school and complete the linked MSHSL Eligibility Brochure. Contact Coach Meehlhause with any questions. MSHSL Eligibility Brochure:
almost 2 years ago, Sundogs Cross Country
TrekNorth Sundogs Track & Field
Trek had a great night at the Thief River Falls knowledge Bowl tournament last Thursday. Out of 15 teams from 8 schools, our Green team won 1st place, with 43 points. Our Black team, the only team competing that was all 6th graders, came in 8th, with 32 points. Great job Sundogs!
almost 2 years ago, Tami Worner
Awards Pic
Look for TrekNorth AP Art student work in this Saturday's Pioneer paper.
almost 2 years ago, Tara King
ap 2
TrekNorth hosted a KAXE/KBXE Phenology Teachers workshop today. Area educators came to TN to learn about phenology (the rhythmic biological nature of events as they relate to climate). John Latimer, Steven Carlson and Sarah Mitchell presented information on using phenology in the classroom, led us on a phenology walk and even reminded us of the great activity of cuttings twigs and putting them in a bucket of water to force them to leaf out! Participants in the workshop prepared a phenology report that will air on KAXE/KBXE's morning show on Tuesday between 6:45 and 7:00 AM.
almost 2 years ago, Tami Worner