Sundog Taekwondo Testing was last night! For the taekwondo test, 14 kids tested, and with the exception of 3 board breaks, we had a 100% pass rate. 8 students received attendance awards, (75% or higher), and Marquis King earned the only perfect attendance award. Thank you to Robie for taking pictures!
9 months ago, TrekNorth Jr. & Sr. High School
All veggies are chopped and bags assembled! Native Youth Council's Wild Rice Soup Starter kits are ready for pick up or delivery!
9 months ago, TrekNorth Jr. & Sr. High School
soup starters
JH Student Council thanks you for your support. Together we will donate $150 in gift cards to the Bemidji Women and Children's Shelter. Happy Holidays!
9 months ago, JH Student Council
JH Student Council
Hard working group of volunteers headed to Village of Hope today to help with some cleaning. Thank You Village of Hope for helping us learn about what you do to support families in our community and giving us some valuable insight into housing issues . Bonus shout out for the amazing donuts!!! What a treat!
9 months ago, Julie Ueland
Village of Hope
Village of Hope
Village of Hope
Village of Hope
Village of Hope
Village of Hope
On Friday, Unified Athletes and Parters were invited to attend the Unified Wonderland Winter Formal at Bemidji High School. Students socialized, ate pizza, and dance with athletes from area schools and had a blast!
9 months ago, Lisa Fisher
Ojibwe Storytelling Event: 12/21/23, 5:30pm-7:00pm at TrekNorth, in the Commons. Please join us for not only an enjoyable family experience, but also an educational one, offering an opportunity to learn about Ojibwe traditions that contribute to the fabric of our community. Dinner includes: roasted bison, wild rice pilaf, mixed berry/greens salad, and medicinal teas, catered by Vince Johnson. Wild Rice Soup and snacks will also be available. Door prizes will include a variety of beaded earrings, blankets, and gift sets. Hope to see you there!
9 months ago, Chelsey Jourdain
Ojibwe Storytelling Event Flyer
Gorgeous Sunset at JH Ski Club!
9 months ago, TrekNorth Jr. & Sr. High School
The TrekNorth Native Youth Council is selling Wild Rice Soup Starter Kits for $10/bag. The kit contains wild rice, seasonings, & fresh, chopped vegetables that are crockpot-ready. Selling will be Dec. 11-15. Purchased kits can be picked up on Dec 20&21 at Trek.
9 months ago, TrekNorth Native Youth Council
Soup Starter
The annual TrekNorth toy drive for the Northwoods Battered Women's Shelter is underway. The toys are starting to fill the wrapped box in the commons. Everyone is invited to add unwrapped toys for children through 18 years of age. The focus is on ages 12-18. Thank you for your help on this project!
9 months ago, TrekNorth Student Council
Toy Drive
TrekNorth's Annual Winter Choir Concert!
9 months ago, TrekNorth Jr. & Sr. High School
one candle
choir 1
choir 2
choir 3
choir 4
Great group of athletes participated in the Unified Special Olympics Bocce Invitational yesterday at BSU! We even got a visit from Bucky!
9 months ago, Julie Ueland
Unified Bocce
Unified Bocce
Unified Bocce
Unified Bocce
Unified Bocce
Unified Bocce
Unified Bocce
Thanks to the Culture PLC teachers who served indigenous foods to the students this morning during advisory! Everything was super-delicious!
9 months ago, Adam Lanz
Indigenous Food
On the evening of Winter Solstice - December 21st, from 5:30-7:00pm; TrekNorth American Indian Education will host an Ojibwe Storytelling event at TrekNorth in the commons area. We will have Joseph Sutherland share Ojibwe star knowledge through traditional Ojibwe stories and teachings. Flyer is attached below.
9 months ago, Chelsey Jourdain
Ojibwe Storytelling - 12/21/23
The Speech Team Parent Informational meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 28th at 6 pm in the TrekNorth Commons. We will be covering: Speech Tournaments, Practice, the differences between Varsity and JV teams, forms, as well as how you can support your Speech Student throughout the season. Contact Lisa if you have any questions. See you there!
9 months ago, Speech Team
Trek North Speech Team Practice Starts this week on Thursday from 3:20 - 5 pm. All students in grades 6-12 who are interested are Welcome! Contact Lisa for more information, or if you have questions.
9 months ago, Speech Team
Speech Speaker
Fantastic Day for the 6th grade at Creativity Festival! Awesome activities!
9 months ago, Julie Ueland
Creativity Festival
Creativity Festival
Creativity Festival
Creativity Festival
Creativity Festival
Creativity Festival
Creativity Festival
The 6th graders had an amazing time at BSU's Creativity Festival. Students participated in activities relating to science, music, art, wildlife and acting! Way to go Sundogs!
9 months ago, Elizabeth Mathews
Creativity Day
Creativity Day
Creativity Day
Creativity Day
Are you a Comedian, Performer, or Creative Person wanting a stage to share your skills? Are you Social and want meet tons of fun, interesting people? Are you an Advocate looking to share your thoughts and opinions?Are you an Introvert looking to be a bit more outgoing? The TrekNorth Speech Team is looking for new and returning members. Attend the Speech Team Informational Meeting on Tuesday, November 16th at Lunch in Room 124. Sign up on the Activities board outside of Room 119 or contact Lisa (
10 months ago, Speech Team
Looking for Speakers
Check your email for this exciting announcement!
10 months ago, Lia Wiggins
Winter Trip Announcement
Today in wellness students made lunch foods! They planned the menu and put together chicken quesadillas, grilled cheese, and soup! Once again, they did an awesome job and had lots of fun!
10 months ago, Alexis Pearson
This chicken was super tasty!
More great chicken!
The first quesadilla on the griddle!
Even Meehlhause loved it!
He put together a great meal for himself!
Grilled cheese masters!
Pose with your quesadilla!
Way to go with that grilled cheese!
Another perfect quesadilla in the works!