If you missed the World Classrooms meeting last night, and still wish to sign up for the 2022 Washington DC trip, click the link below! If you sign up before Oct. 5th you are still eligible for the $200 scholarship! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1klOIBJyMvQ_SH7q5y5hVOY-TE-wtW6eq/view
over 3 years ago, Chance Adams
Last week grades 6, 8 & 9 went to Lake Bemidji State Park for our Experiential Education programming. Students & staff enjoyed hiking, mountain biking & nature/art immersion activities. It was a wonderful opportunity for our school community to build relationships at the beginning of the school year. It's a great chance to practice some outdoor adventure & leadership skills, challenge by choice, resiliency & leave no trace principles.
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth Mathews
Families of current 7th-8th (or anyone else also!) graders, I am very excited to announce that I will be leading a group of students and parents on an educational tour to Washington, D.C. and Mt. Vernon on June 2nd-5th, 2022. Please join us on Thursday, Sept. 30th at 7:00 pm via Livestream for a 25-minute informational meeting where each traveler will be eligible for an Early Bird Scholarship of $200! To join the meeting, simply click this link: schooltrip.us/TrekNorth22 For any other questions, feel free to contact Mr. Adams at cadams@treknorth.org Don't miss out! https://www.facebook.com/worldclassrooms/videos/2373814996201746/
over 3 years ago, Chance Adams
Our first overnight trip goes out next week. If you have a 7th grade student check out this flyer!
over 3 years ago, Lia Wiggins
7th Grade Trip
Students in grades 9-12 are encouraged to be student leaders and join the TrekNorth Student Council. Contact Advisor Jodie Olson if interested.
over 3 years ago, TrekNorth Student Council
Join Student Council
The TrekNorth sculpture class created collaborative land art this past Friday.
over 3 years ago, Tara King
sculpture class land art
sculpture class land art
sculpture class land art
sculpture class land art
Congrats and thank you to our weekly PBIS winners for demonstrating the TREK traits of being trustworthy, respectful, engaged, and kind!
over 3 years ago, TrekNorth Jr. & Sr. High School
M. D.
Louis and Tara
9-12th grade students learned about the trips they can take with TrekNorth this year. We will have a Q/A Zoom Tuesday, September 21 at 7pm. Look for a link in your email on Monday.
over 3 years ago, Tami Worner
Trip Sign Up
TrekNorth School Board is looking for a community member (not a parent) to join our board for at least one year. Commitment is 2 hours per month. Please share with anyone you think would make a great board member. Contact a current board member with ideas/questions.
over 3 years ago, Tami Worner
Today we had the 1st Game Club of the school year! It was a huge success! We had lots of new members come to play games, and get to know each other. We enjoy pizza and Pokemon Oreo's! Next Game Club is Tuesday September 28th! See you then!
over 3 years ago, Unified Schools
Game Club
Game Club
Game Club
Game Club
Hey Sundogs! TNT returns this Tuesday! Be sure to sign up on the website! This year, following TNT shuttles will run to Red Lake, Cass Lake, and the Bemidji Boys & Girls club each day! Just be sure to sign up and secure your seat! Come and get your study on!
over 3 years ago, TrekNorth Tutoring
If you are interested in being part of the yearbook, come to an informational meeting Thursday Sept. 16th at lunch in the art room. Yearbook is open only to High School students. There is a limit to how many students may be in the yearbook club, seniors & prior yearbook members will have seniority.
over 3 years ago, Tara King
Everyone is welcome to the TrekNorth Game Club! Come along to room 121 at lunch time on Tuesday 9/14. We'll have pizza, games and lots of fun. Meet new people and game away! Questions, ask Cody, Elizabeth or Julie.
over 3 years ago, Unified Schools
Game Club
Sundog student in the news: Senior Kyleisha Garrigan was recently interviewed regarding the new TV series Reservation Dogs. Read the article here! https://minnesotanativenews.org/reservation-dogs-review-i-feel-represented/
over 3 years ago, Chelsey Jourdain
Welcome back! Remember to start your day off with a delicious breakfast! Join us in the commons every morning from 8-8:25am. Breakfast is FREE for all students!
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth Mathews
Calling all Sundogs! Are you interested in inclusion, equality, service & solidarity in our community. Bemidji Pride is this Saturday. Check out the FaceBook page or link below for information. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054faea72ba3fa7-bemidji
over 3 years ago, JH Student Council
Bemidji Pride
Best of luck to Trey G. at Section Finals today! You can watch the race around 1:10 on youtube! https://youtu.be/so7UNfVjttw
over 3 years ago, TrekNorth Jr. & Sr. High School
Trey and Coaches
Trey and Cheering Section
Had a great day with the 6th grade at Itasca, and looking forward to all the other grade level trips. Make sure to get your permission slips in!
over 3 years ago, Lia Wiggins
6th Grade Itasca Field Trip
6th Grade Itasca Field Trip
6th Grade Itasca Field Trip
6th Grade Itasca Field Trip
Hey Sundogs - The last day to turn in assignments is approaching fast. Next week, May 25, 26 & 27 are the last days TNT will be offered after school. If you plan on attending in person, don't forget to sign up on the TNT webpage by the start of 4th hour.
over 3 years ago, Lisa Fisher
Hey Sundogs! Tomorrow is prom for the 9th -12th grade students! We can’t wait to see everyone! Remember due to covid only pre-registered students are allowed at prom with just two guests to view the grand march who must leave after grand march. Masks are required to attend. We will live stream the grand march on our Facebook page! Pictures start at 6pm followed by grand march at 7pm. See you tomorrow for “The Greatest Show”.
over 3 years ago, TrekNorth Jr. and Sr. High School